Friday, May 6, 2011

believing is defeating fear of the unknown

there are days when at random your mind feeds you a realization. it's like a little bean of thought its dropped in somehow and then your brain, spirit and mind click.
suddenly: lightbulb. reality check in poetic prose.
sometimes these realizations arrive at odd moments. like when im turning the corner driving home, when im in the shower, or when im in a work meeting. 
i wish i had a piece of paper every time these realizations kicked in.
i was able to jot the last one down.
here goes.

I know God's promises are true and they are soon to come.

Yet I fear what I cannot see and my human mind wants to control. Everything.

Believing takes courage when you can’t see or imagine a way to reach
what seems impossible
in every way.
The truth is that there lies the key of faith. It's not about what I see, think, or want.
It's about trusting what my Lord sees and knows I can be.

In rebellion to my natural instincts, I leap and believe in dreams I can't even conceive for the Lord has conceived them for me.

All I need to do is trust, surrender and become His and just like He is. Never doubting Him and when necessary turning the other cheek.

 He has made everything beautiful in its time
Ecc. 3:11

and this is my time!

PS: I want to thank all of you for your support and lovely comments. I thank you for following, reading and providing inspiration to me as well. I'm really amazed by the tons of amazing blog-people who are becoming web-friends. You all inspire me!

Have an awesome weekend!


thank you for your lovely comments & check back for response!